CBD oil

CBD: Stimulant or a Depressant?

CBD: Stimulant or a Depressant?

CBD stimulant or depressant? Not so straightforward, it can depend on how much you take and what the CBD is formulated with.

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CBD Doesn't Work For Me

CBD Doesn't Work For Me

CBD doesnt work for me? Find out why some people are not getting benefits, and what your best alternatives are for relief.

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Can you get addicted to CBD? Guide to Hemp CBD Oil and Drug Addiction

Can you get addicted to CBD? Guide to Hemp CBD Oil and Drug Addiction

Can you get addicted to CBD? While most people are familiar with marijuana addiction, the non-psychoactive cannabinoids do not have that potential.

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CBD and Brain Inflammation: Is CBDA the Next Evolution?

CBD and Brain Inflammation: Is CBDA the Next Evolution?

Whats the role for CBD and brain inflammation? Inflammation can lead to many painful symptoms, and new cannabinoids may provide alternative help.

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